Elemental Embodiment Facilitator Program

Enrollment Now Open!

Our community has been asking for years, and it’s finally here!
Now you can be a certified Facilitator of our signature Genius Frequency Methodology, Elemental Embodiment Exploration.

You will be in the first generation of EE Facilitators, so you can integrate this methodology into your offerings how you see fit. This training is also perfect for giving your gifts to family and friends.

Inside the Elemental Embodiment Facilitator Program we are teaching you what we give to our private clients all over the world; what's inside every in-person session we deliver, and what makes up our daily home practice.

Not only are we teaching you exactly how to practice this methodology like we do, we are giving you behind-the-scenes facilitator GOLD to go with it.

You will read your clients, your kids, your own life and weave magic from the mess.

Make friends with the laws of the universe.

Create a powerful wake of wholeness.

Be the medicine YOU came here to be for the world, your family, and for yourself.

Creating containers of transformation is our jam

We are deeply fulfilled by the wholeness you’ll bring to your clients AND for the transformation that will happen within YOU.

Becoming a Genius Frequency Facilitator is more than a certification that will help you be confident in your ability to help clients swiftly, deeply, and permanently.

It’s a journey into your own Genius and you will never be the same.

It is designed so you can:

  • Learn directly from Brian and Chelsea Rae, the creators of Genius Frequency
  • Get real life practice, experience, and results with your frequency leader peers
  • Support from Genius Frequency Mentors
  • A pivotal experience in your wholeness

Ahhhhh 🤌 *chef's kiss*

If you haven’t taken our layer one program yet, GENiUS EMBODIED, that’s all good. We are wrapping it into this Facilitator training. Just know you will apply everything to yourself FIRST before working with another.

If you did join us for GENiUS EMBODIED, check your inbox for something special!

This is for you if:

  • It’s been on your heart to give these codes alongside us
  • You are ready for the next level of your personal power, skills to pay the bills, and have fun doing it
  • You like to plan your next move in advance
  • You like to make money choices in advance or have more time to pay
  • You want the joy of knowing + making the decision towards your Destiny and letting the universe respond accordingly

The Journey

Elemental Embodiment Facilitator

There are limited spaces inside to ensure we have connection to each future Facilitator.

The first 10 people to enroll will receive a 1:1 mentorship call with Brian or Chelsea Rae. You will receive personal guidance on your life, relationships, business—anything—according to your unique Elemental Code.

Choose Your Path:
EE Facilitator Program

  • 12 weekly calls (you keep all the replays) beginning January 9th, 2025 - April 3, 2025
    • Facilitator guidance & gold from Brian Thomas & Chelsea Rae Lumb you won’t hear anywhere else
    • Experiential explorations — we lead learning through the body
  • Pairing with a peer for real-time experience, feedback, and results
    • Support from Genius Frequency Mentors for reflection, and deepening your skills
  • Telegram thread for community of future colleagues, celebrations, and support
  • plus much more...
Early Bird Special
Investment - $3898
Optional Upgrade:
EE Facilitator + Live Immersion

Includes all of the above, plus:

Get supported hands-on practice, further your facilitation and leadership skills in real life, and bond with our incredible community.

+ Conversations with Brian & Chelsea Rae on living the integrity of your Genius, Confidence in Sales and a Heart in Service

+ Juicy ask-us-anything Q & A: business, relationships, romance, life, whatever is most alive!

+ Lunches will be catered, food and lodging will be on individual basis

It will be a Celebration of your Certification in Genius Style!

Asheville, NC April 25- 27
Early Bird Special
(Includes the EE Facilitator program + Live event)
First 10 openings at $1500 for the LIVE Immersion - Price will rise as openings fill
Total Investment $5398
VIP Experience

Includes all of the above, plus:

You’re ready to go deep and want direct access to Brian and Chelsea Rae to bring your personal challenges with clients, wholeness and your genius to deepen facilitation skills according to your personal design.

+ Small group mentorship calls to bring personal questions and stuff into the experience

+ Small group telegram thread

+ Three 1:1 calls with Chelsea Rae or Brian for personal embodiment, wholeness, and leadership development mentorship

+ Private Telegram access to Brian and Chelsea Rae

+ VIP day at the live immersion

Early Bird Special
(Includes the EE Facilitator program + Live event + VIP experience)
Total Investment - $12 K

Love It or Leave It

Refund Policy

We want you to be satisfied with your purchase, but we also want you to give your best effort to apply all of the strategies in this course. We offer a 72-hour Love it or Leave it refund period. To activate a return, send notes from the content you consumed and a description of why this program isn't working for you to frontdesk@geniusfrequency.com.


Or send us a DM on Instagram @geniusfrequency