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This is the course that will change the Course of your Life.

Our 6-module online program will guide you
to transform your body, relationships,
and business with your own two hands.

You will learn the exact tools we use with our clients and ourselves
to create what most people call miracles.

Everything you are looking for...is within you.

We know, you've heard it before.

Great advice if you can actually access the "everything within you" as promised by the sages.

But how?

What if unlocking it was easier and more powerful than anything you've ever done?

No guru, shaman, or healer necessary. 

Nor do you need to spend tons of time and money figuring it out. 

Your hands, breath, and body are the keys to your Castle.

Delta Williams  ||  USAF Veteran, Mother, Business owner

EEE has taught me that I can access my full potential, heal from PTSD, & several physical ailments with the power of my own body. I spent so many years on the brink of suicide and now I am loving myself on a level previously unfathomable. I have increased my bandwidth of capability, understanding, and creation. I have overcome living in survival mode, I thrive, and support my daughters, created a small business and started an entire new career in healing."

EEE table session

You are here for a purpose. A big one.

You are ALSO here to  E N J O Y being A L I V E .

Aaand it's hit or miss.

You might be wondering . . .

How do I get past all the stress? 

Why won’t my body keep up with me?

Is everyone a mess? Or just me…?

Why am I great at some parts of life and shitty at others?

If I keep going like this, am I going to crash?

Or maybe…

I know I can create something BIG, but what am I really here to do?

What is my next level? How do I get there?

How can I experience who I am in peak states or with medicines on a regular basis?

How can I have consistent vitality without having to hack my way there every day?

What if you didn’t have to "hack" anything? 

What if you could access energy, power, and presence in each moment right here, right now?

No ayahuasca necessary (nothing personal Grandma Aya, You KNOW what we're up to).

EEE table session unity

KIM NYHOUS  ||  Film Producer, Healer, Mother

I don't think I was fully in my body for the first 50 years of my life. Brian and Chelsea Rae have made Genius Embodied simple enough to learn and practice at home, and yet the technology is profound enough to radically change your life. Multiple people have commented how newly grounded I seem to them. This is a powerful system that is taught in a clear, step-by-step way so that you can begin using it in your daily life immediately. I highly recommend this program."

Genius Frequency was born from serving top leaders.

Dr. Brian and Dr. Chelsea Rae help conscious entrepreneurs and creatives get to the source of their originality, high levels of energy, and soul integrity.

They have been in practice for 38 years and travel the world speaking and providing this life changing methodology.

Brian provided care for Tony Robbins at his live events and personal homes for nearly a decade, Sex expert Jaiya’s premiere events, and David Bayer who has been recognized by Inc. 500 as “America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies."

Genius Frequency Methodologies is how these leaders heal their bodies, aikido resistance, and consistently sustain high performance in minutes per day vs. hours of self care, training, and thousands of dollars to only temporarily or sometimes work.

What do I learn in the course?

After working with thousands of clients over decades it felt increasingly important that we were not just fishing for people, but teaching them how to fish.

Most people in modern culture can operate a car better than their own body.

There was a clear reliance on us as practitioners and we knew there was so much more ownership and empowerment available to people.

Not to mention saving thousands of dollars from relying solely on practitioners and tons of time between therapy, doctors, bodywork, yoga, physical therapy, spiritual mentorship, business coaching, etc. appoitnments.

These are all WONDERFUL and we choose most of them too.

What we are talking about is the underlying fear that goes along with feeling like you don't know how to heal your own body, find your own wisdom, and know your path.

When the truth is, you can. A part of you does know.

Seeking to solve an internal problem from only outside help is a long, expensive, and arduous road.

However, you're energized and deeply connected with yourself, you actually get more out of all of the modalities you choose. On top of that, you have better discernment about what you need and when.

We, Dr. Brian Thomas Lumb and Dr. Chelsea Rae, co-created an embodiment technology to heal your body, reveal your authenticity, and awaken your Genius.

It's called Elemental Embodiment Exploration (EEE).

EEE is a part of EVERY session we give to our clients,

it's central to our personal daily routine,

AND it's something you can do for YOURSELF.

It is our consistent answer when our clients ask "What can I do for myself at home?"

It will work as long as you have a body.

It's like Breathwork + Energy work + Body work combined, without the "work".

What results can I expect?

Yes, please!

dr. MEL KRUG  ||  Holistic Practitioner, Business Mentor

I have more ease in my daily life as an entrepreneur, ability to trust my bodily rhythms while sustaining multiple businesses, relationships, and opportunities, ability to access more pleasure in my life vs. default to trauma responses. There was a moment I was practicing EEE and felt a deep ancestral clearing in my body and physical passing of tissue that had been bound up for months related to my cycles. My ability to trust and relax into my own energy as a leader has significantly expanded. I feel a deeper magnetism in my being vs. the old way of forcing things as a leader and entrepreneur."

What's Included


The online course designed for both EVERY body & YOUR body
We have included Visual, Audio, and Written learning formats so you can take it in the way it works best for you

6 elemental modules, each containing:

Video transmission: how each Element lives in your body & forms your REALITY
Clear video instructions & demonstration
Guided Experiential Embodiment Journeys - lay back and receive!
Diagrams, Guided Audio recordings, Written instructions to support your home play
Q & A
Integration conversations with Dr. Brian & Dr. Chelsea Rae

Bonuses to make this soo doable:

The Breath Test
A 15 second bio-response test so you can know exactly what your body needs and when
Language Liberation
Release mental blocks and limiting beliefs via the body. Discover bespoke affirmations FROM your body and use them in a way that actually feels true and changes the fabric of your reality.
Guided MP3s
No need to memorize! Lean back and be guided through the practice with our 8-12 minute audio journeys.
EEE Diagram
See it all laid out in one place with all the indicators you’ll need
Genius Generation teaching

Melisa Guyett

When I was first introduced to this work, I practiced EEE almost daily and it supported my movement through a significant grieving period. Tears just seemed to fall out of me and the weight of it dissipated.  Historically,  I’ve also experienced a significant amount of body pain (suggested to be Fibromyalgia) and have found EEE to be a great resource in not identifying with that type of diagnosis.  The ability to directly address my own emotional and physical needs (without solely relying on a practitioner) is empowering."


Investment: $988


Our Story + Lineage

Jumping in cenote

We have a combined 35 years of experience giving hundreds of thousands of sessions dialing into this methodology before curating this program.

We both started as chiropractors, then specialized in Network Spinal Analysis, Brian being one of the three lead teachers in the world. 

In 2017, Brian and Chelsea Rae began practicing together. This same year Brian stepped away from his Network teaching position. 

Like breadcrumbs from the universe, teachers and codes started making themselves known, each bringing their own breakthroughs.

We melded indigenous wisdom with our expertise of the body. We were largely influenced by our teacher, Elder Malidoma Patrice Somé.

This answered LONG TIME questions about why working with each person is so different AND what we all share collectively.

We went from doing someone else's dance well to diving in to our own genius and trusting our own creation. Our business has transformed, our bodies have healed our diseases, and we found life changing love.

We are forever grateful.

Our clients have had wild success with everything from anxiety to back pain to autoimmune disease to attracting angel investors to ancestral patterns to addictions.

The range of problems and concerns we have helped people through reaches far and wide.

We would honestly be terrible people if we didn't share this as widely and loudly as possible.


We work with the elements.

Earth, Water, Fire, Mineral, Air, and Nature are the ingredients of creation.

These ingredients form and inform YOU.

Every single day, our clients are
- turning trauma into gold
- healing chronic pain and disease
- transforming addictions
- changing ancestral patterns
- remembering who they are in this lifetime and beyond...

Most importantly, they are realizing who they are beyond the traumas that have happened to them.

These miracles happen because people liberate the trauma stored in their body, then that energy becomes available to create what they desire.

It is simpler than you might imagine and we have helped hundreds of people do this, including ourselves. 

Jenna Wilson

The Genius Frequency class provided me with inspiration, information, and hands-on practices to take my understanding of self and healing to a whole new level. Brian and Chelsea Rae shared in a deep and genuine way that made the material relatable. Their passion for this work is palpable - and contagious! It was an amazing opportunity to connect with myself and the community they created. I know that what I've learned in this series will continue to ripple positively through my life for a long time."

Is this for me?

Whether you have no embodiment experience or  spend your days rolling around on sheepskin doing somatic journeys, you will experience transformation.

In some practices the changes seem subtle, other times radical. 

We have seen improvements for people even when their problems are intense, diagnosed, and have been there for decades.

The only way out is through.

And once you get through, you go beyond…

Your body knows the way.

This is not for you if…

  • You are not willing to address the root cause of your issues
  • You want to hang on to your small self/ego
  • You are afraid of your shadow
  • You want a band-aid to cover up your pain or fix you
  • You are not willing to change in order to create a better life
  • You are not ready to accept creatorship of your life
  • You do not want to know yourself beyond the 3D  


I am chemically different every time I work with these practices. With each session and doing these practices, I am becoming and living in another vibration. Conflict and stressors are beginning to be replaced by peace and grace. What’s happening, is I am creating a new energy field for myself. I am realizing that the challenges or problems I thought I had are illusions and the solutions are coming naturally. There is inner guidance, a calmness, patience, they are just there now. I don’t need to be in control or have all the answers in my relationships anymore."

Our Promise

We’ve made a life in the mystery, nuance, and complexity so we can teach this simply and powerfully without watering it down.

We have seen it work for everyone when applied the way we show you.

Your problems are knocking at your door to get your attention and become whole, not to be suppressed or ignored.

Bodies, emotions, people, and family lineages are meant to heal.

Your due diligence is to show up and apply what we share.

If you take the course, follow our recommendations and you see and feel no benefit, let us know and receive your money back ENTIRELY.


Brian and Chelsea Rae embody the definition of 'Genius' and now they are sharing their wisdom with humanity. It was a privilege to be in their first Genius Frequency class. I am more connected to my body and inner wisdom. If you want a deeper relationship with yourself and spirit; and alchemy your trauma into purpose this class is for you."

Your investment provides clean drinking water

Much of the world are without clean drinking water. We have connections with an organization called Caminos de Agua, in Central Mexico, a region where they are suffering from low quality water for a variety of reasons.

Caminos de Agua are implementing innovative, effective and low cost rainwater harvesting technologies, and their strategies are adaptable worldwide. These filtration systems will be installed in homes of families who absolutely can not afford bottled water or home filtration systems.

Water filtration system

$1250 provides a permanent 5,000 liter system for one family! It improves community health, reduces environmental stress on over-extracted aquifers, and gives people control and consistency over their water supply.

$10 for every GENiUS EMBODIED sale will go to building these filtration systems.

Water is the element of peace and harmony. Indigenous technology and wisdom is embedded in our work, hearts, and bodies and we are contributing this money as an offering.

Genius Frequency will always be in support of cultures who are rich in traditional ways. We are honored to partner with YOU in creating a more sovereign, healthy, free and potent humanity on our beautiful Earth.

Update: As of May 2023, we have provided filtration systems for two families! Thank you everyone for contributing to the betterment of our world, every day in every way.


I am feeling so safe and secure in my body after tonight’s session and I am finally singing along to the music again. I love that Genius Embodied has guided me towards a deeper connection with myself, Mother Earth and the infinite spirit and space clouding around us, reaching beyond the cosmos."


Can I become a faciliator of Genius Frequency?

Yes! If you are interested in creating results like this for your clients, contact us at frontdesk@gensiufrequency.com about our EEE faciliator program. You can faciliate EEE remotely OR in person, you can practice this methodology exclusively or integrate it into your unique magical flow.

Do I get to keep the recordings of the transmissions and materials?

YES! Recordings, guided journeys and diagrams will be available through your portal on Kajabi.

How much time will I need to devote to this program?

Each module is about 90 minutes, there are 6 modules total. We recommend experiencing one module/element per week. You will start receiving benefits after the first class, and those benefits will compound as you go. For the best results, plan to spend about 10-15 minutes per day, three times per week exploring the practices we share in this program. We have found that the more people do it, the more they want to do it! 

I already do meditation, visualization, yoga, breathwork, bodywork...how is this different?

EEE increases your connection with yourself so that your nerve system, body, emotions, mind and spirit--your whole system will operate better and so you can get more out of meditations, workouts, bodywork sessions, work flows, etc.

It's working with the part of you that makes all the other parts work.

You will also find less of a need to manipulate or change anything, because it's all working.

This means destiny & your desires get to unfold instead of just the outcome you were going for. We find that destiny and the infinite guiding wisdom of the universe is a whole lot better than what our brains could conceive of anyway.

This seems like a lifetime mastery thing, do I have to devote all of my time to learn it?

Nope! If you apply only what you learn in these 6 modules, it will serve you for your entire ride in this body. However, many people find that the more they do it, the more they WANT to do it! Each step of this journey provides ah-ha’s, improvements, joys and initiations. You will grow all along the way, becoming more and more of who you really are. You may be fulfilled at any point and get off the ride…and we are finding it to still be pleasurable, full of variety, and so so worth it.

Is this safe/will this work for me if I have a particular disease or diagnosis?

There is probably not a condition we haven’t met. The good thing is we don’t work with conditions. We work with people. Healthy people heal conditions, because it's just that, a condition: a state of being.  When that state of being is safe and energized enough to be more fully experienced, it changes to another state of being. And another, and another…
And soon there is a different person who does not relate to having a condition at all. This is beyond healing, this is wholeness.

What is a life leader?

A Life Leader is a word we coined to describe the people we work with. We searched to find a term that includes everyone from CEOs to single moms to engineers to coaches. We realized there was an invisible thread all these people have in common. We are leaders of life in some way. You may not consider yourself a “leader” in the classical sense but you are leading a specific brand of frequency that is no one else’s and you are committed to it each day. You get up and do your best. You desire a better world and know that YOU are central to creating that vision. You want to be the truest version of you, nothing more and for damn sure nothing less. You naturally help other people do the same when they are in your presence. You lead love, truth, and your own special genius. You are a Life Leader.

Can I do this if I’m pregnant?

Yes!  This practice supports cellular health, structural/pelvic flexibility, connective tissue integrity and strength, easier expansion of the pelvis at birth and faster healing after birth. Having a healthy, vibrant, blissful pregnancy, 4th trimester and beyond requires deep connection with your body. We love supporting women to have beautiful, healthy, exquisite births and healthy babies.  This will help you have more energy to go towards creating a little human and living your life, transform your fears into intuition and knowing of what’s best for you and your baby, and support the major initiation that is motherhood, whether it is your first or fifth child. 

How is this different from what I experience with plant medicine? 

We see plant medicines as teachers to show us who we are and what is possible.

Genius Frequency helps you sustainably become the person you discover you are on the medicine. Experiencing EEE can feel like a ceremony in itself at times.  

Unwinding trauma and building new pathways of your brain and living matrix help you create the reality you learn is possible through plant medicine

Can you tell me more about the lineage of this methodology?

We have been blessed to receive from numerous masters in many disciplines.

We are both classically trained as chiropractors, then certified in Network Spinal Analysis. Brian was once a teacher of this technique. If you are familiar with Network Care, parts of EEE it may seem reminiscent of SRI (SomatoRespiratory Integration), yet it is significantly different in several ways.

Genius Frequency was influenced by indigenous Dagara (West African) wisdom, our experience in Network Spinal Analysis and various other methods and teachers.

The connection to the elements is unique to Genius Frequency and it was developed by learning from indigenous wisdom and watching what naturally occurred in people's bodies when they weren't trying to do an exercise.

Yes, sí, oui !!!
Yes, sí, oui !!!

TIKA VALES  ||  Founder of Living Design Technologies

My experience with this class has been wonderful. I am noting major positive shifts with my ability to be present with a greater sense of calm and clearer boundaries. After the class last night I had an experience of anchoring in so many positive emotions and feelings."


Or send us a DM on Instagram @geniusfrequency
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Payment Options

Single Payment OF $988

~ OR ~

2 Payments of $494