Rave Reviews

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I found this work in a time where I was having frequent unexplained fainting spells. I had seen many doctors thinking there was something physical going on and no one had any answers for me.

Turned out that my system had just been overloaded with stress and burnout for a really long time leading up to my body + mind checking out. This work keeps me calibrated, connected, and able to process stuff in real time rather than shoving things away like I did for so long. It keeps me accountable and gives me a reason to show up for myself and this life. I really look forward to the magic that is to come!

Makenzy Moore
Business Owner, Mother, Creative Visionary

Since taking the program, I can hear my intuition clearer now and it is much stronger.

I think because my nervous system feels safe. Now I just listen to my intuition and am so open to what is happening and it all works out. I used to be such a control freak trying to make everything happen instead of trusting the flow and listening to that. Now I also have greater clarity on what is in alignment with my vision. I loved the class. I was really able to go at my own pace and I found the structure of the program really great and easy to follow. I loved being surrounded by people that are like-minded, open, and spiritual. Chelsea Rae and Brian opened each class with a story, and that helped me understand where they come from and built an online rapport, as well as giving context to the class. I felt at home and comfortable with them, before I had even met them in person. Genius Frequency and EEE is great because it doesn’t involve much effort. Chelsea Rae and Brian have taught me that it is more about allowance. Allowing the feelings that come up during the session or practice, and also the feelings that arise in the following days. And now I also realize that these feelings are actually the release and unwinding of trauma, which has been stored in my body. After allowing the emotions, the other side is always very beautiful and peaceful.

Amy Ronick
Transformational Life Coach, Mother, Entrepreneur

The biggest shift for me is more ease while navigating the challenge and uncertainty in my current life.

I'm more grounded and am learning to love and trust myself at a whole new level. This work has been incredibly supportive in keeping me connected to the truth while making these changes. I'm able to show-up more present and available in my work, with my children, and in my relationships. Thank you.

Christiopher Filipiak
CEO, Sales Consultant & Coach

Years ago, their work radically improved my scoliosis and chronic pain. Like eradicated it. I’ve been a client for many years, and the evolution of their care only continues to grow in its efficacy.

Drs. Brian & Chelsea Rae’s work is a holistic experience, addressing the physical, psycho & spiritual in one powerful session. It’s undeniable, tangible magic that you immediately FEEL. And now I have the privilege of employing their care when my emotional system gets overwhelmed. Their sessions help me to integrate challenging life experiences, and I always leave empowered for what’s next. I’m so grateful for this work and to have this resource for whenever I need support. Highly recommend for anyone that’s wanting to live an exceptional life!

Tess Bloomer

My challenges simply DIDN'T trigger the typical stress response. This process is really unlocking a higher power operating system!!!

Dakota Forgioine
Entrepreneur, Eco-capitalist, Spiritual Explorer, In LOVE with life!

I am freeing energy that has been stuck in my body causing chronic pain, injuries, and spinal alignment issues since childhood. My body is finding its alignment on its own now.

Receiving Genius Frequency sessions from Chelsea Rae and Brian has improved my life in so many ways. It is unlike anything I have experienced before in my many years of dealing with chronic pain and spinal alignment issues. Genius Frequency teaches me to listen to the messages and memories my body is storing and trying to express. I feel my body finding it’s alignment on its own.

I am freeing energy that has been stuck in my body, causing pain and injuries, since childhood. The progress I have made in the last year feels equivalent to what many years of therapy would do but doesn’t require the same mental processing. It feels like a more direct way to address what is causing physical and emotional pain in my life. I’m unwinding old patterns and traumas, feeling amazing in my body, and I am witnessing my life come together with purpose, sovereignty, and joy at the forefront.

True North
Sanctuary Client, GENiUS EMBODIED I + II Alumni

I feel like I am settling into stillness and ease. I have been tracking this pattern for probably ten years

I have lived most of this life forcing, pushing, and moving, without much consideration for stillness…since starting the Achievement Element, I have really spent more time just allowing the breath and stillness to emerge rather than focusing on the moment. I feel like I am settling into stillness and ease. I have been tracking this pattern for probably ten years and just now it is starting to change course.

Tony Miller
Husband, Father, Health practitioner

Empowering us to heal ourselves and take responsibility for our own journey of wholeness through ancient indigenous wisdom to connect us body and soul

Genius Frequency has supported my individual expansion and my work as a Soul Guide. The medicine that Brian and Chelsea Rae are sharing here is rare because they are empowering us to heal ourselves and take responsibility for our own journey of wholeness through ancient indigenous wisdom to connect us body and soul. These practices have empowered me and supported me as a Soul Guide to support others to heal from within!

Sarah Poe
Soul Guide, Mother

I’ve done so much work with healers, therapists, coaches, meditation, movement, frequency healing... I live and breathe healing, embodiment and transformational work. And while it has all prepared me...nothing has even come close to the profound healing Im experiencing through this care

An appreciation post for Nourish & Flourish, and Chelsea Rae Verslues for giving me my body, and my life back this month... Truly. I’ve done so much work with healers, therapists, coaches, meditation, movement, frequency healing... I live and breathe healing, embodiment and transformational work. And while it has all prepared me with the necessary tools to hold my frame as this information is now being processed, nothing has even come close to the profound healing I'm experiencing through this care. Vulnerably, I. didn’t. know. how much sexual and heart trauma this body was holding- Only a month in and I have more feeling, more breath, more space, more sensation in every part of my body. I didn’t even know feeling this at home in my body was possible, let alone accessible this quickly. Thank you Dr. Chelsea Rae and Brian Thomas Lumb. Thank you with all my heart. I hope to share this work with those who are ready for the support their body needs during this potent time...

Rev. Adeenah Hammer
Feminine Healing Ministries

I felt a lot of discomfort when I first laid down and it all let go as I did the practice. I fell in love with my body.

Aine Dee
Wise Elder & Founder, Wealth Reimagined

Pretty much by every discernible metric my life has improved.

I am a person who spent most of my life operating through my head. It worked out in a lot of ways—I graduated from Harvard, I won an Emmy, I had a successful business. What I didn’t realize was being left on the table was a lot more FLOW and a way to get the results I was getting, but at an even higher level and letting it be actually easier and FUN. I was also a skeptic and had so much resistance going to my first Genius event! I was sitting there and it’s funny because a part of me had obviously committed the time and the money and the energy to being at the event, and believed at some level in what I was learning. I had this other part of me that was like "no this is bullshit, they’re making this up", with all this conditioned doubt. I’m so glad I didn’t listen to the second part because life is so dope for me now. It’s hard to talk about what’s changed since Genius because everything is changed. There’s external things like I have made more money, and I feel like the quality of my relationships has improved. Pretty much by every discernible metric my life has improved.

The deeper thing that’s happened is that instead of thinking and doing my way through life, I am flowing and feeling my way through Life.. and it feels so good. I am a lot more accessible, way more fun and spontaneous and life is just easier. I’m so grateful that Chelsea and Brian gave me the opportunity to be a part of the incredible thing that they’re doing. It’s like some cutting edge-alien-magic-voodoo-crazy-awesome—whatever they’re doing it’s amazing. It was a leap for me, but I feel so rewarded now that I’m on the other side. If you are at all considering Genius Frequency I think what they’re doing is truly one of a kind. I’ve never met a group of people who are showing their heart, but also so methodical and rigorous in their approach. Not only was it a joy to get to experience honestly, it was a joy to learn about what they’re doing. I like to say I am me all the way now. I highly recommend this program—Chelsea Rae and Brian are amazing humans and they’re just here to help you be more of the amazing human that YOU are. Thank you Chelsea and Brian. I look forward to seeing you soon at another Genius event.

Kaizen Asiedu
Speaker, Mentor, Emmy Winner

I have more ease in my daily life as an entrepreneur, ability to trust my bodily rhythms while sustaining multiple businesses, relationships, and opportunities, ability to access more pleasure in my life vs. default to trauma responses.

There was a moment I was practicing EEE and felt a deep ancestral clearing in my body and physical passing of tissue that had been bound up for months related to my cycles. My ability to trust and relax into my own energy as a leader has significantly expanded. I feel a deeper magnetism in my being vs. the old way of forcing things as a leader and entrepreneur.

Mel Krug
Practitioner, Coach, Entrepreneur

Genius Embodied is a gentle way to tap into my body and free it from any pain and trauma that it is holding, so I can live my full potential.

GE gives me a daily practice to become more clear, reflect, acknowledge and choose differently instead of reacting. I can allow and take action from a deeper space of trust, love, and surrender.

Kim Nelli

OMG. Miracle report!

No sooner did I get off of the class did I happen to synchronistically chime in on a call with a potential client we’ve known from 10 years ago. He’s all excited about what we do and is curious about working together on a large scale project that I would love to do! After the second class, we received a BIG order from someone I do not know while we were working with water! This has been an experience of remembering beauty and joy and love with gratitude that needed to be brought to the surface to anchor in at a whole new level. I just had to tell you the divine synchronicity it’s just delightful and amazing and I just really enjoyed this experience. Thank you! I am lit!

Tika Vales Caldwell
Founder, Living Design Technologies

It felt like a deep healing of sexual trauma from early childhood; I am awed by the brilliance and wisdom of my body

This morning I chose to do Sovereignty and then all of the water element practices from GE1. I was brought to deep sobbing when doing water reconciliation. It felt like a deep healing of sexual trauma from early childhood; words my body has been longing to hear from me. I am awed by the brilliance and wisdom of my body and SO grateful to Brian and Chelsea Rae for birthing this remarkable practice.. feeling embodied is the best feeling.

Wendy Werner

I don’t need to be in control or have all the answers in my relationships any more.

Scott Riviere
Independent Environmental Services Professional

They have created…a healing self-practice that opens more capacity in our nervous system resulting in a higher capacity to meet LIFE, to remembering who we really are and how we came to live; a world, a planet long suppressed by trauma that became our “normal”. Nothing normal about it.

I first started working with Brian in 2014/15. Two things brought me to his stewardship: my desire to heal my structural problems and paying attention for the next step in my spiritual path. I had a clear knowing that both would be addressed with his work. I had been on a quest for healing for almost thirty years and was a wellness teacher back then which I share because it made me very confident in my choice to collaborate with him on my healing. His stewardship busted my energy WIDE the fuck open. And then his work, his capacity expanded with his collaboration with Chelsea Rae. Their expansion includes the wisdom of the elemental world held in our body’s coding, the wisdom of West African astrology, and science. They have created more…a healing self-practice that opens more capacity in our nervous system, resulting in a higher capacity to meet LIFE, to remembering who we really are and how we came to live; a world, a planet long suppressed by trauma that became our “normal”. Nothing normal about it. We are so much more and Genius Frequency awakens the knowing we all hold.


I am so much more loving, forgiving and allowing of when I make a 'mistake'…man that feels good!

Blessings of gratitude to Brian and Chelsea Rae for bringing this from spiritual prototype into teachable learnings. I discovered through tonight's session that I am so much more loving, forgiving and allowing of when I make a 'mistake'…man that feels good!

Mitch Earle
Inner & Outer World Traveler
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I went from feeling restless, irritated, and impatient. After the practice I felt in the present moment, patience, and grace.

During my EEE practice I actually had tears flowing- which is something I typically have difficulty accessing! At the end I felt beautiful open breath throughout my body. I went from feeling restless, irritated, and impatient. After the practice I felt in the present moment, patience, and grace.

Emily Baumann
Doctor of Chiropractic, Badass Healer, Boss Babe

I have overcome living in survival mode, I thrive, and support my daughters, created a small business and started an entire new career in healing.

EEE has taught me that I can access my full potential, heal from PTSD, & physical ailments with the power of my own body. I spent so many years on the brink of suicide and now I am loving myself on a level previously unfathomable. I have increased my bandwidth of capability, understanding, and creation. I have overcome living in survival mode, I thrive, and support my daughters, created a small business and started an entire new career in healing.

Delta Williams
Mother, ASAF Veteran, Business Owner

Genius cracked me TF open! I feel like there were parts of me I was longing for and searching for for decades.

I was able to stop seeking and really just start living and that is such a priceless gift. I am finally at this point of figuring out this human thing and it feels like it’s filled with spirit and it’s filled with love for myself. I can hold so much more. It truly does feel like a DNA shift. I see it in the way I carry myself, my speech, how I am with clients, my family, with my partner, and the way I’m leading. It’s in my body and I am relaxing into it more and more. Thank you to all of you so much for creating this community this soul fam. Genius would not be possible without you.

Mel Krug
Practitioner, Coach, Entrepreneur

I met Brian at an intensive retreat in Costa Rica. Under his hands, I had profound experiences that blew me away.

Elizabeth Wood
Sex & Relationship Coach, Energetically sensitive, Dog lover
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I alchemized so much deeply imprinted trauma that I had been “doing the work” for decades to heal.

I received their (Chelsea Rae and Brian’s) loving medicine for over a year. A year where I alchemized so much deeply imprinted trauma that I had been “doing the work” for decades to heal. Brian was the first male healer that I felt safe with. Working with the feminine and masculine through this unique modality, and of course the genuine love that these two share, has given my big heart the safety to break down walls and expand my love.

Sarah Poe
Soul Guide, Mother

Everything accelerates when working with Brian... He will change life in the most extraordinary ways!

It’s been 4 years since I began my one on one journey with Brian. One word. Wow. Our sessions over zoom were just as powerful as his in person love and presence. He held space for me during my weakest moments and my strongest. It was a wild miraculous ride working with Brian. My relationship is together today because of Brian! He helped us understand each other. To say he saved my life, is an understatement. Everything accelerates when working with Brian. I highly recommend him! But be warned. He will change life in the most extraordinary ways! I am forever grateful for him. BEST Investment and ROI you will get for your money!

Carolyn Ozuna
Founder Of Spark Your Rockstar Healing

I have been calling in my vision for what I want my life to look like and since receiving Genius Frequency sessions and taking the online course, it has all happened so effortlessly.

In moving to Asheville, I wanted to invest in real estate to achieve financial freedom and get out of the corporate rat race. This would let me embrace my true purpose of helping people heal, as I am a certified transformational life coach. Since I took Genius Embodied and started receiving the Genius Frequency sessions at the Sanctuary, everything I have wanted has just appeared in my life without me even needing to try. The whole process of getting the house, getting it furnished and set up flowed with ease. I felt like I was energetically being supported to accomplish everything I wanted to. I’ve noticed my ability to manifest the things I want with so much more ease. Life has felt as a whole, more easeful. The synchronicities that have happened in my life, especially over the last couple of months have been absolutely insane. I have been calling in my vision for what I want my life to look like and since receiving Genius Frequency sessions and taking the online course, it has all happened so effortlessly. And when things don’t go the way I planned, I have a newfound faith that something better is waiting for me.

Amy Ronick
Transformational Life Coach, Mother, Entrepreneur

If you want a deeper relationship with yourself and spirit; and alchemize your trauma into purpose, this class is for you.

Brian and Chelsea Rae embody the definition of “Genius” and now they are sharing their wisdom with humanity. It was a privilege to be in their first Genius Frequency class. I am more connected to my body and inner wisdom. If you want a deeper relationship with yourself and spirit; and alchemy your trauma into purpose, this class is for you.

Jennifer Ross
Mother and Soul Steward

Somehow I am starting work later and getting more done, and making more money than I ever have.

Before Genius Embodied, I was really struggling to be present. This program has helped me EXPERIENCE safety in my body. I have experienced a big shift in my life because of it. Somehow I am starting work later and getting more done, and making more money than I ever have. I know it is these classes and the Elemental Embodiment Exploration has gotten me here. Life gets a lot easier and things become less stressful when I am practicing. Setbacks in life seem insignificant because I know where I am going.

John Gardner
Healer, Musician

Genius Frequency Sessions at the Sanctuary have allowed me to become more clear.

Kim Nelli
Sanctuary Client
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I don't think I was fully in my body for the first 50 years of my life.

Elemental Embodiment Exploration invites and allows you to come home to your body. Brian and Chelsea Rae have made Genius Embodied simple and comprehensible enough to learn and practice at home, and yet the technology is profound enough to radically change your life. I've been practicing the system daily for 10 weeks and multiple people have commented how newly grounded I seem to them. This is a complex and powerful system that is taught in a clear, simple and step-by-step way so that you can begin using it in your daily life immediately. I highly recommend this program.

Kim Nyhous
Filmmaker, Healer, Mother

Holy heart! Practicing this week is taking me to the next level of my magic with my own soul work I am here to share. I received a key I've been waiting for!..Thank you Chelsea Rae and Brian for this key!

Sarah Poe
Soul Guide, Mother
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I have been unwinding a lot of deeply buried trauma that is held in the left side of my body causing extreme pain.

Genius Frequency is a methodology in my toolbox that I use to embrace my soul path and heal along the journey. Since I have been in treatment for over two years, I have experienced on the table how their work has transitioned from NSA to the current methodology. I can feel how things have shifted, and how they can clue in faster to what my needs are. Because I don’t live in the area anymore I decided to do the online program. It has allowed me to treat myself and be more attuned to supporting my system in between sessions. I have been unwinding a lot of deeply buried trauma that is held in the left side of my body causing extreme pain. I do feel it loosening and have noticed that when driving my range of motion in my neck is much better. My body was so stressed from the trauma, it was difficult for me to drive for more than an hour, and within six months of treatment that degree of stress was relieved, which really allowed me trust this work. I work a lot with how sound, specifically the human voice, has the power to heal, and the Elemental Embodiment Exploration brings in organic, guttural vocal sounds in support of healing, which I am curious to explore more.

Melodie Feather
Clinical Trial Liaison, Regenerative Health Specialist

I am doing it daily and only want to continue and go further.

I completed both Genius Embodied I and II. I am so thankful to have discovered this work. It truly has been life changing for me. It is the most beautiful breathwork I have ever experienced. I am doing it daily and only want to continue and go further.

Kristie Wilson
TWC Sound Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, Mother
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I am noting major positive shifts with my ability to be present with a greater sense of calm and clearer boundaries.

My experience with this class has been wonderful. I am noting major positive shifts with my ability to be present with a greater sense of calm and clearer boundaries. After the class last night I had an experience of anchoring in so many positive emotions and feelings.

Tika Vales Caldwell
Founder, Living Design Technologies

Chelsea Rae and Brian's work has been a true lifesaver for me. During my time under their care I have come to understand that my body holds great wisdom, and is my partner in life instead of my saboteur.

They have shown me new ways to understand how my body works and how to work with it. Overall I feel much better physically, more able to handle periods of anxiety, and very supported along my path. I so appreciate their perspective and amazing energy-- they always seem able to meet me where I am with compassion and understanding. For someone who has tried lots of approaches to health and found themselves still searching, I highly recommend Chelsea Rae and Brian as guides to a lighter, more free and informed way to understand what your body may be trying to teach you.

Rebecca Falls
Cycling Tour Designer & Event Planner, Cat Mom

I am currently moving through Genius I and II again on my own deeper dive and exploration. And it's even more potent and alive the second time around!

Sarah Poe
Soul Guide, Mother
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Genius Frequency removes the heaviest of weights we accrue as we navigate our lives.

We all have ways to recover from this or that but the big stuff, the things that either hit us too hard in single moments or the wild bits that add up over years of challenge always benefit from help. And if you are going to get help you might as well get the help that does two critical jobs - Genius Frequency lets you feel great after each session to heal and improve your life in the short term, but more importantly, Genius Frequency helps you do better with ongoing daily challenges so you exist with the new benefit of fresh perspectives that stem from within. From your first visit you feel like you are simply working better in your body, with your relationships, with your work, and with the greater world. But more importantly, Genius Frequency propels you into making the changes that shift your life into easier and much more enjoyable ways of being to help you uncover rewards that are of your whole nature. And that's the crucial second step of the work; Genius Frequency turns you into your own guide on a path of your own making with destinations that demonstrate that we are meant for more than just survival. It's a beautiful thing when you discover that you are working on more than recovery, Genius Frequency puts you on a path of discovery.

Steve Wager
Family Man, Agency Owner, Musician

I really appreciate the simplicity of this home practice. I found it to be very user friendly and very effective at stimulating and tonifying the various systems, yet also profoundly empowering and robust in scope.

Christina Cunningham
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I am feeling so safe and secure in my body after tonight’s session and I am finally singing along to the music again.

I love that Genius Embodied has guided me towards a deeper connection with myself, Mother Earth and the infinite spirit and space clouding around us, reaching beyond the cosmos.

Rashele Foland
GENiUS EMBODIED I + II Alumni, Genius Generation Attendee

The Genius Frequency class provided me with inspiration, information, and hands-on practices to take my understanding of self and healing to a whole new level.

Brian and Chelsea Rae shared in a deep and genuine way that made the material relatable. Their passion for this work is palpable - and contagious! It was an amazing opportunity to connect with myself and the community they created. I know that what I've learned in this series will continue to ripple positively through my life for a long time.

Jenna Wilson
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The ability to directly address my own emotional and physical needs without solely relying on a practitioner is empowering.

When I was first introduced to this work, I practiced EEE almost daily and it supported my movement through a significant grieving period. Tears just seemed to fall out of me and the weight of it dissipated. Historically, I’ve also experienced a significant amount of body pain suggested to be Fibromyalgia and have found EEE to be a great resource in not identifying with that type of diagnosis. The ability to directly address my own emotional and physical needs without solely relying on a practitioner is empowering.

Melisa Guyette

This work is so powerful for me and so wonderful because it is something I can do for myself!

Barbara Erb

Genius Frequency taps into the brilliance of the way we are designed. I am deeply grateful for your courage, candor, and focus to activate such healing awaiting fulfillment for sooo long…perhaps lifetimes.

Melinda Toney
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Genius Embodied II for me is a key component in the integrated surrender practice that I began after losing my husband and love of my life in September 2022.

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Since our last class I've had some major shifts in my personal life. I'd been exploring where I'm going professionally and had some breakthroughs at work…I've had aha moments, deep knowing, and directions on soul path stuff and what to do next.


I had a brand new experience with my body and my emotions

WOW. I consider myself fairly embodied, with a pretty well fine tuned nervous system. I had NO expectations going into the experiential part of the course. WOW. I had a brand new experience with my body and my emotions, and with its energetic alignment with the field. For the first time, in a brand new way, I experienced that *I* am the one in my field. I got to have an experience of knowing and feeling myself, through/as my field. Not to mention, lots of movement and sound during the exercise, which is still percolating. Thank you so much for this.

Mysteryclass Participant