Who Am I?

Why Am I Here?

Two of the great questions we humans have been asking for thousands of years.

Here’s a question you may have not asked:


Welcome to Earth.

A trauma-based learning center.

Your trauma and the subsequent problems are housed within your body.
Your symptoms and problems are your perfectly curated curriculum for this life.

The sages have had it correct all along. The answers lie within.

"But how do we access said “answers?”

Watch below to find out...

You have a code. A specific sequence of ingredients which FORM and INFORM you.

These are the ingredients of creation, the whole Universe. Indigenous people worldwide have known for eons our reality is composed of the elements.

When you were born, the time and place in alignment with the Earth, Sun, Moon, and stars set into motion what we call your Elemental Code.

The atoms and molecules of your body formed as a result of this “code” and therefore inform you of your reality.

Being enrolled in a trauma based learning center means that at times life happens faster and more intensely than you are able to fully experience. This is the definition of trauma.

Hear the deeper story of what is possible beyond trauma when you are living a life of alignment in your Elemental Code--your unique Genius.

Welcome to Genius Frequency.

Sign up below to receive complimentary access to "Meet Your Genius."

Destiny is Calling...
…Meet your Genius

Find out why your symptoms and problems are the answers to who you are and why you’re here.

Our Gift to You: Dr. Chelsea Rae and Dr. Brian Thomas Lumb unveil their Methodology uniting Indigenous and modern wisdom in this 45 minute video.


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Meet Dr. Chelsea Rae &
Dr. Brian Thomas Lumb

We have guided thousands of clients to not only heal,
but become whole by realizing who they are beyond their trauma and bring their gifts to the world.



Choose your adventure

True Senghas

Receiving Genius Frequency sessions from Chelsea Rae and Brian has improved my life in so many ways. It is unlike anything I have experienced before in my many years of dealing with chronic pain and spinal alignment issues. Genius Frequency teaches me to listen to the messages and memories my body is storing and trying to express. I feel my body finding it’s alignment on its own.

I am freeing energy that has been stuck in my body, causing pain and injuries, since childhood. The progress I have made in the last year feels equivalent to what many years of therapy would do but doesn’t require the same mental processing. It feels like a more direct way to address what is causing physical and emotional pain in my life. I’m unwinding old patterns and traumas, feeling amazing in my body, and I am witnessing my life come together with purpose, sovereignty, and joy at the forefront.

OUR Signature ONline program


This is the course that will change the Course of your Life

Learn the exact tools we use with our clients and ourselves
to create miracles in the body, emotions, mind, and Spirit

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In-Person Genius Frequency Sessions with
Dr. Brian & Dr. Chelsea Rae

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